Angel Longevity Medical Center emphasizes wellness instead of disease. The doctors at this clinic feel today’s medicine relies too heavily on pharmaceuticals that can harm a person’s body and add unnecessary side effects. Angel Longevity Medical Center offers nutritional solutions to patients as an alternative to the pharmaceutical industry. This clinic connects its patients with customized nutrition plans, natural hormone balancing therapies, and fitness to improve the quality of each patient’s life and prevent the effects of aging.
Angel Longevity Medical Center believes in giving its patients a long, healthy life where they continue to be functional and active up to the end of their productive lives. With the help of correct diet, exercise, and hormonal and nutritional support, Angel Longevity Medical Center minimizes the risks and effects of degenerative diseases and health related issues.
Led by Dr. Anju Mathur, who has sixteen years of medicine under her belt, Angel Longevity Medical Center is able to offer the following programs to patients:
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Many men and women experience the loss of hormones later in life. Since women undergo menopause, they can benefit the most from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, which will not only alleviate the symptoms of menopause, but also improve anti-aging process with positive change memory, mood, and overall well-being. Dr. Mathur understands that men can use bioidentical hormone replacement therapy too if they are lacking males androgens, or hormones. Because of this fact, Angel Longevity Medical Center has developed a male bioidentical hormone replacement therapy anti-aging program.
Nutrition The Angel Longevity Medical Center knows many patients have misinformation about nutrition. Since every patient has a slightly different body and nutritional balance, Dr. Mathur applies the six pillars of faith to every customized nutriton plan. Dr. Mathur’s team makes sure each patient has the right nutrients along with exercise and good eating habits so his or her life can be lived out to its fullest potential.
IV Therapy To ensure patients will receive the vitamins they need, Angel Longevity Medical Center uses IV Therapies to skip the uncertainty of the vitamins getting absorbed through the intestines. Through an intravenous, Dr. Mathur will prescribe her patients specific amino acids, minerals and vitamins based on their ailments.
Learn more about Angel Longevity Medical Center.
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After a few months of treatment with Dr Mathur I am stronger and healthier than I have been in years. The Doctor is very careful and thorough in adjusting the hormones and supplements and the effect are amazing.
When I first began, I was extremely exhausted. Now I am back to my old (or should I say) young self. I am able to exercise daily. I can put in a full 8-10 hours a day at work. Even my social life has improved because I now have the energy to entertain in the evenings and go to trips.
I am quite pleased with the hormone replacement therapy that I have been receiving at the Angel Medical Center. It has certainly fulfilled my expectations, increasing both my energy and libido. I appreciate the care taken, through blood draws and other tests, to track various bodily functions. I also admire the competent staff at the Angel Medical Center, who work well together as well as on my behalf.
Many thanks to Dr. Mathur and her team. I cannot express the enormous gratitude I have for assisting me during a difficult time. I arrived at your office out of despair and you have placed me on the road to regaining a more complete and fulfilling life. The quality of life I now have could not be without your knowledge and instruction. My family thanks you for my renewed energy and positive attitude. I look forward to more successes with your guidance.
When I first came to see Dr. Mathur 10 months ago, I was very exhausted and irritable much of the time, just not feeling well like I should. I had seen other medical doctors but didn’t get any real facts about my health that would lead to real results and relief.
Dr. Mathur has helped me find the cause of my exhaustion and ill feelings.
Now I feel 100% better, relieved and revitalized. I sleep well and am able to remain calmer.
Thank you Dr. Mathur for providing me your knowledge and services. I want others to benefit and feel as much relief as I do.
My name is Nikki. When I came into see the doctor I felt like I was close to the end sad to say. I was always so tired and I was putting on weight at an alarming rate even though I was trying to eat healthy foods. My emotional state was not much better as I was experiencing lots of depression. After undergoing the Vitamin C therapy I can’t believe the difference on how I feel. My thinking is clear and I once again have ambition to continue with my music. I have so much more energy and finding out my food allergies and making the necessary changes has made an unbelievable difference.
Thank you so very much!
This is my second full week eating according to my Metabolic Typing nutrition program and I am SO thankful for having started this program. I am 39 years old and about 20 pounds overweight.
Prior to starting the nutritional plan I also did 3 weeks of the Liver Detox which was great. And now I am starting the HRT (Hormone) program. I am so excited! I feel like a new me! And I know that this time I will get
results and will be able to stick with my programs as a way of life.
Thanks Dr. Mathur! It’s been making a big difference for me.
Thanks to the Metablic Body Typing, Vitamin C drip and UBI, in
less than 2 months I’ve:
– Lost 8lbs
– I have more energy and I’m not so tired and so sleepy all the
– I am calmer; more relaxed and am not as irritable as before.
– I have not gotten my yearly cold/flu/sinusitis that I always get
this time of the year.
– Thank you for giving me a healthier and happier me!
I lost 20Lbs in less than two months with Angel Longevity Medical Center and I feel amazing. More energetic, clarity of mind, and more determine to accomplish my goals. I definitely recommend the Metabolic Typing. It does wonders.
In working with Dr. Mathur I first had a very good result from a 21 day cleanse. Lost weight and was running for some miles at a time better than in years. What was most important was, however, identifying thyroid and hormone deficiencies that once corrected lifted me out of feeling like I needed a nap shortly after rising on most days. Now I have much more energy throughout the day and don’t ‘crash’ after lunch. And I had considered I had been in pretty good shape before!
When I first tried the Vitamin C drips at Angel Longevity Medical Center the first day I slept completely through the night as I haven’t done for years without inducement of some sort. I went through the days without being sluggish and able to perform daily chores that I had no energy to do before for the past years. My brittle nails began to grow and are actually strong now. The most astonishing development that I am so pleased about is my dry eyes are now hydrated without using any other topical remedy. I’m very pleased with the results of the Vitamin C drips and the intend to continue.
Since coming to Angel Longevity Medical Center I feel great. It has helped me a lot. I have more energy. I’m no longer depressed and am off of psychiatric drugs. I feel like going on walks and I feel great at work.
Fortunately for me I found Angel Longevity Medical Center and Dr. Mathur. I followed the doctors protocols set just for me and she and her wonderful staff have guided me on the path to health and success. I had new and healthy solutions to my old and frustrating problems. In 3-4 months through testing, vitamin C IV drips, UBI treatments and herbs and vitamins all of my issues are GONE!!!!
The Vitamin C Drip and UBI Therapy at Angel Longevity Medical Center helped me lose 8 lbs and have more energy so I’m not so tired and so sleepy all the time.
I had never heard of Vitamin C infusions until I visited Angel Longevity Medical Center, but the basis behind using it was sound to me. The results I felt after just the first Vitamin C infusion are nothing sort of a miracle. My pain and stiffness were practically all gone. I of course continued with the Vit C IVs and also started UBI tx and am now only on “maintenance” IVs.
Angel Longevity Medical Center has made all the difference since Feb 2012 for the quality of life I have enjoyed, I would not have had the extra time if it weren’t for the knowledge and experience of Angel Longevity Medical Center
I started treatment 6 weeks ago and I definitely feel younger and healthier than I have in a couple years. I started with the vitamin C IV treatments and then the UBI and Metabolic typing. Both have made a difference in the way I feel and I still have a couple more weeks of the UBI. The most notable improvement is that my gastro intestinal discomfort is gone. AMAZING, I have lived with that for so long. I was looking through my charts at my doctors office not long ago and I noticed that I had complained of abdominal discomfort every single visit (about 2-3 visits for nine years). It just kind of blows me away that it is gone.
I am totally impressed with my treatment and the care and kindness I have received here. I recommend this center to anyone desiring to live the rest of their lives happy and healthy.
Since I have followed Dr. Mathur’s health plan I now have energy and interest in life again. My husband and
family tell me how much happier and fun I am again. I sleep like a baby and play hard.
The difference in my life has been absolutely amazing! I’m 61 years old and feel like am 30 again.
The results are awesome! I’ve lost a few pounds, right away I started feeling more energetic, I feel lighter and I just feel overall like my body is functioning better. But most importantly for me is that I DO NOT get the sugar cravings like I use to.
Thank you so (oooo) much for helping me to get the excess weight off on the program that you provided. Thanks most of all for monitoring me and for being so patient and concerned about my success.
I prayed and asked my heavenly father to help me to do this and he allowed it to happen through your program. I had the excess fat on for many years. I am not a big eater so even cutting down on food intake for long periods of time only produced very temporary minimal results.
Thank god for your program which I found easy to follow by “just doing it” according to the instructions. I have lost approximately 30 lbs. on the program and its staying off. I have been off of the
program since 1/12.
Dr. Mathur, thank you for your commitment in helping me and so many others to have a more enjoyable quality of health.
When I first started w/Dr. Mathur, I felt exhausted all the time, chronically irritable, my body hurt, I felt confused/foggy. Over the 3 ½ months I worked w/her, I did Vit. C Drips to handle Epstein Barr, took bio-
identical hormones, lots of supplements and followed a food plan for my body type based on blood work.
I feel calmer, more stable, more energetic, more able; my circles of influence have expanded. “Slightly miraculous” things have happened in my life to improve my conditions – in short, I’m in a much better condition!
Much gratitude to Dr. Mathur for her help!
Thoroughness of the exam and the explanation of whats happening makes sense, I trust the handling. The program is very personalized.